
期刊论文 12


2020 1

2018 3

2015 2

2014 2

2009 1

2008 1

2004 1

2000 1

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三峡工程 1

不良妊娠结局 1

事故预防 1

公理 1

出生缺陷 1

升船机 1

危险因素 1

基础概念 1

妊娠率 1

孕前优生健康检查 1

孕前检查 1

学科内涵 1

安全科学技术 1

感染率 1

技术难题 1

放射检查流程(REP);资源调度和分配;禁忌搜索 1

效果检查 1

断层破碎带 1

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Endoscopic resection of a huge Brunner's gland adenoma

ZHANG Binbin, REN Xu, TANG Xiufen, CHI Yuxin, SHI Xuesong

《医学前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第4期   页码 414-418 doi: 10.1007/s11684-008-0080-4

摘要: Brunner’s gland adenoma is a rare tumour of the duodenum, which is usually benign. A 71-year-old woman presenting with epigastric pain, upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage and melaena was reported in this paper. Upper gastro-intestinal (GI) endoscopy revealed a large pedunculated tumour on the superior part of the duodenal bulb. Endoscopic polypectomy was successfully performed by clipping and nylon thread without any complications. Histological examination revealed a Brunner’s gland adenoma.

关键词: superior     Histological examination     endoscopy     gastro-intestinal     gastrointestinal haemorrhage    

training steps to achieving competency in the basic intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography examination


《医学前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第1期   页码 123-128 doi: 10.1007/s11684-014-0366-7


Guidelines for the intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examination have defined a detailed standard for medical professionals, particularly anesthesiologists, on how a TEE exam should proceed. Over the years, TEE has gained substantial popularity and emerged as a preferred monitoring modality to aid in perioperative management and decision making during hemodynamic instability situations or critical care settings. TEE training pathways and practice guidelines have been well established in western countries and many regions of the world. However, TEE training and practice information for anesthesiologists are lacking in China. As innovative technologies develop, other educational models have emerged to aid in obtaining competency in basic TEE exam. Hence, establishing a consensus on the ideal TEE training approach for anesthesiologists in China is urgently needed. Developing an effective curriculum that can be incorporated into an anesthesiology resident’s overall training is also necessary to provide knowledge and skills toward competency in basic TEE exam. With evolving medical system reforms and increasing demands for intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring to accommodate surgical innovations, anesthesiology professionals are increasingly obliged to perform intraoperative TEE exams in their current and future practices. To overcome obstacles and achieve significant progress in using the TEE modality to help in intraoperative management and surgical decision making, publishing basic TEE training guidelines for China’s anesthesiologists is an important endeavor.

关键词: transesophageal echocardiography     guidelines     training     competency    

放射检查流程执行中基于禁忌搜索的资源分配 None

Chun-hua HE

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第3期   页码 446-458 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601802

摘要: 放射检查流程(radiological examination process,REP)执行中,为提高患者吞吐量和放射资源利用率,以及应对因临床需要而改变资源调度和分配决策时发生的突发事件,高效的资源调度和分配是关键

关键词: 放射检查流程(REP);资源调度和分配;禁忌搜索    

A review of nondestructive examination technology for polyethylene pipe in nuclear power plant

Jinyang ZHENG, Yue ZHANG, Dongsheng HOU, Yinkang QIN, Weican GUO, Chuck ZHANG, Jianfeng SHI

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第13卷 第4期   页码 535-545 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0515-9


Polyethylene (PE) pipe, particularly high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, has been successfully utilized to transport cooling water for both non-safety- and safety-related applications in nuclear power plant (NPP). Though ASME Code Case N755, which is the first code case related to NPP HDPE pipe, requires a thorough nondestructive examination (NDE) of HDPE joints. However, no executable regulations presently exist because of the lack of a feasible NDE technique for HDPE pipe in NPP. This work presents a review of current developments in NDE technology for both HDPE pipe in NPP with a diameter of less than 400 mm and that of a larger size. For the former category, phased array ultrasonic technique is proven effective for inspecting typical defects in HDPE pipe, and is thus used in Chinese national standards GB/T 29460 and GB/T 29461. A defect-recognition technique is developed based on pattern recognition, and a safety assessment principle is summa-rized from the database of destructive testing. On the other hand, recent research and practical studies reveal that in current ultrasonic-inspection technology, the absence of effective ultrasonic inspection for large size was lack of consideration of the viscoelasticity effect of PE on acoustic wave propagation in current ultrasonic inspection techno-logy. Furthermore, main technical problems were analyzed in the paper to achieve an effective ultrasonic test method in accordance to the safety and efficiency requirements of related regulations and standards. Finally, the development trend and challenges of NDE test technology for HDPE in NPP are discussed.

关键词: polyethylene pipe     nuclear power plant     ultrasonic inspection     nondestructive testing     safety assessment    


赵修莉, 冯仲科, 周扬扬, 林奕成

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第5期   页码 491-494 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.07.022

The defect-length effect in corrosion detection with magnetic method for bridge cables

Qiwei ZHANG, Rongya XIN

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第4期   页码 662-671 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0512-4


Quantitative evaluation of the steel corrosion in cables is significant for the safe operation of cable-supported bridges. The magnetic flux (MF) examination shows great potential to detect the corrosion defect, or loss of metallic cross-sectional area (LMA). An LMA defect in steel cables can be measured accurately when it is longer than a certain length. However, for defects in early stage, where the length of corrosion area is short, the MF examination may produce unacceptable error. In this study, the effect of defect length on the MF examination for corrosion detection of bridge cables is investigated through theoretical analysis and model experiments. An original analytical model to quantify the influence of defect length is proposed based on the equivalent magnetic circuit method. Then, MF examination experiments are performed on a series of cable models with different defect lengths and locations to verify the analytical model. Further, parameter study is conducted based on the proposed analytical model to clarify the mechanism of the defect-length effect. The results show that the area loss caused by short corrosion damage will be underestimated if the defect-length effect is neglected, and this effect can be quantified efficiently with the proposed analytical model.

关键词: bridge cable     corrosion detection     defect length     MF examination     quantitative evaluation    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第5期   页码 56-59


分析并报告上海市静安区免费孕前优生健康检查后待孕夫妇不良妊娠结局潜在影响因素接触情况以及妊娠率和妊娠结局,为免费孕前健康检查政府实施项目效果的评估提供基础数据。对2011 年8 月—2012 年11 月在静安区参加免费孕前优生健康检查的所有对象在其检查结束后的3 个月、6 个月、12 个月进行随访,重点关注不良妊娠结局潜在危险因素接触情况以及妊娠时间和妊娠结局。统计方法为χ2检验、寿命表、Logistic 回归分析。在目标时段内共有1 480 对夫妇参加了免费孕前优生健康检查,其中1 249 对服务对象接受了随访,随访率为84.4 %。截至2013 年4 月,48.7 %的随访对象已经受孕,孕前检查后3 个月调查累积妊娠率为23.9 %,6 个月调查累积妊娠率为45.0 %。365 人完成妊娠结局的随访,结果显示,早产率为3.0 %,低出生体重率为4.3 %,巨大儿发生率为3.3 %。自然流产率为6.3 %。另外,发现出生缺陷1 人,占妊娠妇女数的0.16 %,占有妊娠结局妇女数的0.27 %。烟酒等不良生活习惯丈夫的比例(18 %~20 %)高于妻子(1 %~3 %),77 %的丈夫和妻子接受潜在电磁辐射的时间超过8 h。9 %的夫妇自述生活和工作中接触重金属以及农药、化肥等潜在致畸物。超过10 %的妻子在怀孕以后接触了潜在致畸物。初步分析未发现上述因素与不良妊娠结局的关系。静安区孕前健康检查后半年内妇女妊娠率不到50 %,有必要在上海乃至全国开展免费孕前健康检查的成本效益评估。

关键词: 孕前优生健康检查     妊娠率     累积妊娠率     不良妊娠结局     危险因素    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第8期   页码 12-16



关键词: 安全科学技术     学科内涵     研究对象     事故预防     基础概念     公理    

广州市2 046例孕前育龄妇女TORCH检查状况分析


《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第5期   页码 63-66


采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA) 对2013 年1 月—2013 年12 月进行孕前筛查和孕早期普查的2 046 例妇女进行TORCH 特异性IgM 和IgG 抗体检测,主要检测RV-IgG、TOXO-IgG、TOXO-IgM、CMVIgG、CMV-IgM 五项。在调查的2 046 例妇女中,TORCH-IgM 总阳性率为0. 88 %,其中以巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染率居高,为0.68%,弓形虫(TOXO)为0. 20%。TORCH-IgG 阳性率以CMV最高,达97.65 %,其次为RV-IgG、TOXO-IgG,分别为85.58 %和4.89 %。广州市孕前和孕早期妇女TORCH感染率较高,应该积极进行监测和宣传,早发现,早干预,提高出生人口素质,减少出生缺陷与残疾发生。

关键词: TORCH     感染率     酶联免疫吸附试验     出生缺陷     孕前检查    



《中国工程科学》 2000年 第2卷 第5期   页码 34-43




关键词: 三峡工程     通航建筑物技术设计     永久船闸     升船机    



《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第12期   页码 82-86



关键词: 齐岳山隧道     断层破碎带     技术难题     新方案     新工艺     效果检查    


赵玉凤,谢炜,裴丹,王其军,张立华,段玉秋,李 琴,刘艳丽,王 英

《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第6期   页码 36-40


目的:分析连云港市病残儿童资料,通过孕前优生健康检查干预其近五年病残儿父母再生育,预防病残儿的发生风险。方法:对连云港市2008―2012年经过医学鉴定的病残儿的资料进行分析,比较其五年间数量、地区、性别分布、疾病顺位变化等,发放调查问卷了解其在生育病残儿之前的基本情况;再次怀孕后有无优生指导、超生排畸、唐筛、妊娠结局、分娩方式等调查,分析干预效果。结果:近五年通过医学鉴定符合病残儿童标准的1 046例五年间无明显变化;城区较农村多;男性较女性多;疾病顺位排序先天性心脏病位于第一位。通过干预,收回问卷中先天性心脏病父母再生育72例均为正常儿,其次脑瘫患儿父母再生育35例均为正常儿。结论:病残儿鉴定父母通过孕前优生健康检查,完成整个孕前保健、风险评估到个性化咨询指导一系列干预后再生育均为正常儿,干预效果明显,减少了不良妊娠结局的发生,对预防和降低再次生育病残儿的发生非常重要。

关键词: 病残儿;出生缺陷;孕前优生健康指导;再生育干预    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Endoscopic resection of a huge Brunner's gland adenoma

ZHANG Binbin, REN Xu, TANG Xiufen, CHI Yuxin, SHI Xuesong


training steps to achieving competency in the basic intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography examination




Chun-hua HE


A review of nondestructive examination technology for polyethylene pipe in nuclear power plant

Jinyang ZHENG, Yue ZHANG, Dongsheng HOU, Yinkang QIN, Weican GUO, Chuck ZHANG, Jianfeng SHI



赵修莉, 冯仲科, 周扬扬, 林奕成


The defect-length effect in corrosion detection with magnetic method for bridge cables

Qiwei ZHANG, Rongya XIN








广州市2 046例孕前育龄妇女TORCH检查状况分析










赵玉凤,谢炜,裴丹,王其军,张立华,段玉秋,李 琴,刘艳丽,王 英
